How to Be More Energized


Many people tell me they don’t have much energy these days. It seems that the combination of dealing with an unrelenting pandemic, a vicious political arena, and the lack of viable solutions for any major world-wide problem is taking an enormous energetic toll on an already rest deprived society. Even if you haven’t been financially affected by Covid, it’s hard not to harbor some anger and fear about the myriad of mishandled national and global concerns that include but are not limited to the pandemic. It’s maddening to witness the dollar being our guide while serious issues are not being taken seriously. Problems like climate change, overpopulation, mass extinctions, the rise of despots, growing financial inequity, and the infuriating lack of trustworthy leadership. Pondering where we as a species have gone wrong used to be an intellectual challenge and an opportunity for some admittedly, overly righteous pontification.  Now with alarms sounding on every front it’s a confusing, humbling and enervating task. One best handled with some libation and a good friend.

We all know that the indulgence of unhealthy habits only goes so far in quelling feelings of deep despair and powerlessness. Sometimes what’s needed is to seek some spiritual help. For me praying is both an expression of and a reminder to have faith. I know that having faith in anything right now can be difficult.  Yet if ever we needed to believe in something greater than ourselves, that we are an integral part of, it’s now. My go to for solace, centering, and direction is the Serenity Prayer.  Its recitation doesn’t seek a miraculous rescue but rather provides a wise path toward some equanimity.

Serenity Prayer

Grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.

This prayer prompts the type of self reflection that can change your life or at least how you feel about it.  It reminds you to “let go” of what is not under your control in order to free up misplaced energy.  To focus on making change around what’s actually under your control makes sense.  An important step toward managing your energy is to become aware of where you expend it in mental and physical habits that don’t serve.  This awareness identifies your energy drains.

The following exercise can help you identify your energy drains and increase your life force energy by learning how to plug them. You can spend an hour or two with this exercise or, if you are time crunched, as little as ten minutes can be beneficial.

Energy Drain Exercise

Visualize your energy being held next to you in a holding tank – not just your physical energy, that varies day to day, but a balance of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. This is your life force energy that is also known as your “chi” or “prana.” How full is your energy tank right now? We fill and replenish our tank with healthy habits, and drain and deplete them with not so healthy ones.

Think about how you fill your tank. It’s obvious that no matter how much we do to fill our tank, we have to work a lot harder to keep it full if there are holes in it. These holes can be thought of as energy drains or leaks.

Let’s look at where we habitually expend energy that depletes the tank. Rate each of the following common leaks on 1 to 5 scale, where1 = no relevance 5 = very problematic.

Remember to do this as an observer and compassionate friend, not as a judger. Judgment is a prime example of an energy drain.

Once you identify challenging drains, you can learn how to plug them.

Common energy leaks

Negative Mindsets - Rate:

This is where you believe that life must be endured; you see the glass as half-empty and live in the anguish of regrets or worry of your future; you have toxic thoughts and emotions such as self-pity, resentment, anger, hostility, envy, fear, despair, shame and depression.

How to Plug: Practice being present so that you can become aware of and challenge the thoughts, belief systems and emotions that keep you stuck. Adopt a positive and trusting attitude that affirms your life and connectedness to the whole of life. Letting go of just one negative mind- set can have a ripple effect and take other mindsets with it.

Unhealthy Habits - Rate:

These are habits like overeating, under exercising and addictions.

How to Plug: Explore what’s behind your pain and resistance to self-care. Begin to nurture your Self with healthy food and exercise.

Neglected Physical Environment - Rate:

The ancient practice of feng shui reveals that your space reflects your life. Are you living with things that you don’t like, clutter, disorganization, broken items, and feelings of being overwhelmed?

How to Plug: Your space should be a sanctuary, a place you’re happy to come home to, a place that supports you and your goals. Feeling good in your surroundings can have a big effect on how you feel overall.

Toxic People - Rate:

These are the negative, envious, complaining, judging and critical people that steal your energy and drag you down.

How to Plug: Surround yourself with people who truly support your growth. It can be hard to detach from “friends” that no longer “fit,” but they can have a tremendous effect on how you feel.

Unfulfilling Work or Work Environment – Rate:

Staying in an unhealthy work environment is stressful. Doing unrewarding work is demoralizing.

How to Plug: Start by examining how your attitudes are contributing to your work experience. Then ask yourself what you get out of keeping things the same? What are your fears about making changes? Develop an action plan that will help you make changes.

Living in Overdrive – Rate:

This essentially starves your spirit by dispersing your energy and distracting you from being present.

How to Plug: Slow down, BE and feel. You can’t know yourself deeply and discover your inner wisdom if you’re always doing. You can’t heal what you are unwilling to feel. Leave space for re- flection and introspection.

Going It Alone – Rate:

It takes a lot of energy to keep up a brave and stoic front!

How to Plug: Develop a support system. Connecting with and helping others is gratifying and alleviates self-absorption.

Unresolved Issues and Emotions – Rate:

What we resist persists and sucks our life force energy.

How to Plug: Be willing to go the distance to resolve your inner conflicts and heal your wounds. Do your shadow work. If necessary, seek professional help.

Not Honoring YOUR Values – Rate:

Living a life according to someone else’s values negates the wonder of you. How to Plug: Own your values and embrace yourself by honoring them.

Holding Grudges – Rate:

Keeping resentments adds negative energy loads to the body, mind and spirit. Bearing grudges keeps you imprisoned by your past and slows down your ability to heal and grow.

How to Plug: Practicing forgiveness may be harder than holding grudges, but it’s essential to spiritual growth.

Visualizing the Same Old Limiting Story – Rate:

Tuning into your current story day in, day out keeps it alive — and keeps you stuck.How to Plug: Practice visualizing yourself being successful in working through your obstacles.

Being Hard on Yourself – Rate:

It’s common to engage our inner critic to shame and bully ourselves. We call on our inner tyrant to drive and push ourselves to change. Beating yourself up generally leads to more, not less, of the behavior you’re trying to tame.

How to Plug: Be compassionate with yourself as you change.


Becoming aware that a problem exists is the first step in the process of change. Although an obvious step, it is nevertheless a difficult one to take. Honest self-assessment requires courage.

We are all creatures of numerous habits for a reason. Habits keep life humming along in a way that might not be healthy or particularly gratifying but that somehow serves us. Maintaining what’s familiar is often perceived as an easier route than enduring the potential discomfort of rocking the boat.

Growth demands patience and honest self-reflection. Shining the light of truth on challenging issues will likely propel you into the conflict of keeping things the same or initiating change. It is important to reflect deeply on what actually needs to be changed, why it’s important to make the change and what’s the best way to move from awareness to taking action. You might be called to shift an attitude, to forgive a past hurt, to stand up for yourself with friends or face changes with even higher stakes such as challenging a toxic work environment or leaving an unhealthy relationship.

The following questions will help you examine and address your energy balance. You can answer these questions right now and/or gain some perspective by reflecting upon them for a week or two. Practice observing yourself without judgment.

What are my top two energy drains?

What are the benefits of plugging this drain?


What’s the first step?


What might hold me back from taking this step?


How do they drain me physically, emotionally, financially, etc.


What gives me energy? How do I know this is true?


When you choose to practice self examination and work to make conscious changes you are challenging the status quo of how things have been and that heavily conditioned paradigm will not go away easily. Expect setbacks and view them not as proof that you are unworthy or a loser but as part of the process of change. Berating yourself triggers resistance and is one way we sabotage ourselves. Acceptance, patience and compassion provide a supportive climate for change that is loving and understanding.  Grow these ways of being by viewing yourself from a place of love and worthiness. And always hold the intention of being your most loving and supportive friend.




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