How Yoga Enhances Eco-Mindedness


I often think that if the whole world practiced yoga we wouldn’t be in this awful climate crisis, be at odds regarding its cause, or be lax about facing the reality and gravity of this looming threat. 

Long ago we may have decided it was neither wise nor compassionate to over stress the planet with too many of us. Long ago we may have taken measures to protect ALL sentient being’s water, air and soil, and to safeguard the earth from humankind’s endless and destructive greed.

 So, why yoga you ask?  Because yoga teaches its followers how to BE with themselves, other people, and all life forms. Its sage principles guide in how to tread consciously and respectfully on our only home, our precious earth. Yoga, which means to yoke and join, is a potential uniter of all the various little selves within each of us, both helpful and detrimental, that make up our big Self. When we are personality driven those little selves, in lieu of working together, spar within and cause disempowerment, confusion and depletion.

Most of us spend the majority of life hypnotized by ego driven personalities, enslaved by habitual thoughts, judgements, and actions, and mostly asleep to our spirit’s presence and promptings. Yoga practice and philosophy has the power to wake us from our slumber and to become conscious of our spirit and its connection with literally everything else.

 Once we recognize that All is One we are more likely to consistently honor, protect, and preserve all of nature.

 Here are a couple of blogs that highlight the relationship between Yoga and Sustainability.




Only Together Can We Save Our Planet And Ourselves


Heal the Earth With A Less Is More Philosophy